Temperature control in the user's room is achieved by the radiator thermostatic control valve. The radiator thermostatic control valve is composed of a thermostat controller, a flow regulating valve and a pair of connecting members, wherein the core component of the thermostat controller is a sensor unit, that is, a warm pack.
The temperature pack can sense the change of the ambient temperature and produce a volume change, which drives the valve spool to generate displacement, and then adjusts the amount of water in the radiator to change the heat dissipation of the radiator. The temperature setting of the thermostatic valve can be artificially adjusted, and the thermostatic valve will automatically control and adjust the water volume of the radiator according to the setting requirements, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling the indoor temperature.
The adjustment characteristics of the radiator are determined by the thermal characteristics of the radiator, the flow characteristics of the temperature control valve, and the valve authority.
The ratio of the flow rate of the temperature control valve to the full open flow rate at a certain opening degree is called the relative flow rate; the ratio of the stroke of the temperature control valve at a certain opening degree to the full stroke is called the relative stroke. The relationship between relative stroke and relative flow is called the flow characteristic of the thermostatic valve, ie: G/Gmax = f(l). The relationship between them is characterized by linear characteristics, fast opening characteristics, equal percentage characteristics, parabolic characteristics and so on.
For the radiator, from the perspective of water conservancy stability and heat regulation, the relationship between heat dissipation and flow is expressed as a cluster of curves. As the flow G increases, the heat dissipation Q gradually becomes saturated. In order to make the system have good regulation characteristics, it is easy to adopt a regulating valve with equal percentage flow characteristics to compensate for the nonlinear influence of the radiator itself.